by Ray Newman, radio and television commentator, attorney, educator, author

Monday, December 23, 2013


How foolish can we all be?

A father involved in a custody suit throws his 3-year old son off the top of a`50-story high rise, and then jumps off himself.  Four thugs stole a young man's car in a NJ mall, and killed him for no reason.  These`are not isolated cases.  THEY HAPPEN EVERY DAY, EVERYWHERE.

Politics has taken over our newspapers and radio and tv news stations.  You would think that everything will be just rosy if we get Obamacaare and NSA surveillance problems resolved.  Thems the only two problems we have.

But 'taint so.  We are living in stressed-out times that affect all of us.  We have more and are enjoying it less.  Racial hatreds seem at an all time high.  Gangs are more commonly to be seen on city streets.  Violence between people, between nations, is every day headlines. Nuclear war rhetoric is common.  Lying at the highest levels of government is prevalent.

We have lost our moral bearing, and our heads are in the sand.  I do not know if civilization itself is threatened, but it may be.

We need a renaissance. or we will all pay...some how, some way.

And we need it quickly.

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