There is no question that we humans have a shall I describe it...unusual, powerful, brain with seemingly limitless potential. There is no question that that brain has enhanced human life in a myriad of ways. Has expanded our world to the far reaches of the Universe.
There is no question, too, that of all the organs in our body, we may know least about our brain, how it functions, how best to use it...and perhaps most importantly, that it can and has led us down many wrong paths. Here are some of the ways in which our brain has led us astray:
The fact that we can and have "figured so many things out" leads some of us to think we can figure anything out. The reality that we may not be able to leaves us frustrated. Humans have been wondering about the meaning of life for thousands of years, and, as the saying goes, "we still ain't got a clue".
Our brain's ability to vividly remember the past and to dream of the future has led many of us to fail to focus on the present...which is where we are. The result? Lowered enjoyment and appreciation of life and of ourselves.
Human emotions occur automatically as a response to our beliefs about what is happening to us in reality. This can lead us to make three errors: (1) to believe emotions tell us the truth about what is happening in our lives...but they don't, they tell us only what we imagine is happening, (2) to believe that thinking is similarly automatic...but it isn't, we have to learn how to think, and most don't, and (3) to equate beliefs with knowledge...which they aren't necessarily.
Because of the apparent magnificence of our brain, we use it as a prime source of our self-esteem. Early on, schools begin the error by grading us, and using those grades to label us "smarter" or "outstanding" and as worthy of awards. That promotes for many a lifetime of competition with all others in virtually every aspect of life, resulting in not infrequently perceived failures and diminution of our self-image...even when they aren't.
Devilish wonderful thing, our brain.
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